Hormonal Dose In Acromegalic Carriers Of Tumor In The Pituitary



Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I, Acromegaly, Pituitary Tumor, Adenoma, Hyperpituitarism


Acromegaly is understood to be a condition caused by a syndrome characterized by excessive increases in a hormone called GH, better known as growth hormone, a hormone produced by the pituitary gland located at the base of the skull, an area called the sella turca.
It is physically visible, usually causing obvious growth of bony structures. This syndrome
also causes several metabolic and systemic disorders, causing significant changes in the
carrier individual, damage to the quality of life and also leads to a decrease in the life expectancy of the carrier. Through images and laboratory tests we can make the diagnosis, in
one of these tests IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-I) can be dosed, in it we can detect the
exacerbated increase in growth hormone. Depending on the patient’s clinic, radiological
evidence, and endocrine laboratory tests, they may suspect something in the region of the
sella turcica, such as an expansive pituitary lesion. From there, too many tests are requested
to define or be based on what type of injury is treated, a guide in which the best treatment
can be decided. Given the information duly collected through reliable examinations, the
best treatment for each patient can be determined, through radiotherapy, pharmacotherapy
and/or surgical therapy, which are the most widely used, generally transsphenoidal, surgery
performed by nasal suction through an endoscope, Shortly after, outpatient postoperative
follow-up tests are performed, mainly hormonal to monitor the evolution and decrease in
GH, which in many cases have excellent results.

Author Biographies


Biomédica, mestre en Salud del adulto, MBA en gestión y administración en salud
hospitalar, discente del 6° semestre de medicina.


Biomédica, mestre en Salud del adulto, docente de biomedicina, MBA en gestión de
Salud y administración hospitalaria.


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How to Cite

BANDEIRA, Aldinete Araujo, & FONTOURA, Caroline Cunha. (2023). Hormonal Dose In Acromegalic Carriers Of Tumor In The Pituitary. PublimedUCP, 2(3), 14. Retrieved from https://www.publimeducp.org/ojs/index.php/revista/article/view/43