The financial impact for the governament of motorcyclist accidents: a case study at the Minga Porã Health Center
Motociclistas, Casco, Costo, Accidentes, Tráfico y Vía Pública.Abstract
The motorcycle was the motor vehicle that gained the most space in recent years, this due
to ease of locomotion and fuel economy. The high number of motorcyclists who circulate
on public roads in Paraguay without the use of personal safety equipment, especially a helmet, is extremely large, generating a high cost for the State when we talk about traumatic
accidents involving motorcyclists and passengers. During the work, the significant impact
on government expenses of the patients who received care at the Minga Porã Health Center
during the months of July and August 2022 can be appreciated. A total of thirty-six patients
participated in the research, revealing that most of them were men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty. In addition, it was observed that these patients were not wearing a
helmet at the time of the accident.
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