Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Comparative Review



Hernias Discales, Hernias Discales Lumbares y Tratamiento para Hernias Discales Lumbares


Disc herniations are displacements of the intervertebral disc material beyond the physiological margins of the intervertebral space and are characterized in the axial plane as bulges
or extrusions. Therefore, this review aims to discuss and compare the therapeutic options
used over the years in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. For the development of this
review, we went through the steps recommended by the literature: delimitation of the topic
and formulation of the guiding question; establishment of criteria and definition of the information to be extracted from the selected studies; evaluation of the studies included in the
review and interpretation of the data, the databases used in the research were the following:
LILACS, WEB OF SCIENCE and PUBMED, articles published between 2000 and 2023
were selected, all in Portuguese, Spanish and English . Thus, the review carried out on disc
herniations aimed to elucidate the possibilities of treating lumbar disc herniations. Herniated discs can cause discomfort and physical limitation, so patients with an intense clinical
picture also suffer socially, once they end up losing their jobs or being forced to retire early
due to functional disability


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How to Cite

DE MORAES, Cleiane Santana Pinheiro, MACHADO, Suelen Garcia, MACHADO, Bruna Eduarda Mendonça, NANDI, Jordana Sarzi, & CASCO, Shirley Dahiana. (2023). Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation: A Comparative Review. PublimedUCP, 2(3), 16. Retrieved from

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