First Aid Knowledge by The Professionals of a Nursery School and Primary School



First aids, Emergency, Emergency Teaching, Education for health


The lack of knowledge in the first aid of the population causes many problems, such as the panic the situation, the inadequate movement of the victim, and numerous occasions the excessive request for specialized assistance.
The objective is to evaluate the knowledge of first aids of the professionals of a primary school. The study is qualitative, exploratory and descriptive, where the professionals of a children’s and primary school responded to a pre-test, exhibition class and a post-test related to first aids in the period of June and July of 2021, respecting resolution 466/12.
The participants of the study demonstrated that they understood the content during the exhibition and obtained a great difference between the applied rules, considering there were many errors when they responded with prior knowledge and had a significant increase from 33.1% to 80.6% in the correct responses.
Training is of paramount importance to minimize injuries and sequelae in the face of pre-hospital emergencies and especially in the school environment, since school professionals spend much of their time with them.

Author Biography


Academic of Medicine, Graduated in urgencies and emergencies. Founder of the PY Urgency and Emergency League (LAUEMP) and American Heart Instructor Association (AHA).


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How to Cite

CAVALCANTE, Paulo Germano Moura , C. P. G. M. (2023). First Aid Knowledge by The Professionals of a Nursery School and Primary School. PublimedUCP, 1(2), 07. Retrieved from